Day 1 in the Lab

So quick summary, we now have the materials and equipment for the research and have managed to assemble everything to finally start taking samples!

tank 2

Tank 1: 700mm TDRM, 100mm aggregate cap


Sooo our tank is assembled! The plan is to run a 30 year storm through the tank and take a control sample from the inlet of the water and then two further samples from the base of the tank, one half way through the cycle and the second at the end.

As the cycle is running valves needed to be opened and closed controlling the flow into the pipe. When each valve is opened the temperature will be taken, this was done by using thermocouples (see image below). these had been placed within the tank on preparation, lucky we remembered to put them in!!



V notch that allows us to calculate the flow entering the tanks



Thermocouples used to read the temperature from two depths within the tank



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